Case Study

How We Drove 10,000% In Return Using Klaviyo Email Integration For A Shopify Ecommerce Store

How We Drove 10,000% In Return
Using Klaviyo Email Integration
For A Shopify Ecommerce Store

This thoughtful baby gift box e-commerce store boosted their sales instantly using Klaviyo email marketing

average monthly revenue generated by Klaviyo
1 %
return for every $1 spent
$ 40
average monthly orders generated by Klaviyo

Most store owners miss out on up to 30% of annual revenue due to a missing or broken end-to-end marketing sales funnel.

That’s where email strategy comes in.

Despite reports from false gurus, email marketing is not dead and actually quite underrated. It is the digital marketing channel with the highest return on investment – an average $50 for every $1 spent. The best thing? It’s an incredibly low cost solution because you only pay for the software and its value increases even more as an owned channel.

Meet the client

Our client Fauve + Co came to us in December 2020 when their store was 18 months old. Their main business is selling newborn gift boxes and hampers.

Since then they have expanded their store and now offer lots of items for bub and parents too.

They have established their e-commerce store with direct website traffic through organic search, online ads, social media and referrals before coming on board as our Klaviyo client.

With this knowledge we put together and executed a powerful email marketing strategy that welcomes new customers and rewards the most loyal ones while being automated to run in the background running as a well-oiled sales machine. 


Before working with Siri The Agency, Fauve + Co was sending out email newsletters infrequently. Tagging was absent. None of the lists were segmented. Their email strategy resulted in woeful numbers and attributed virtually no online store revenue.

Upon working with us as an email marketing expert, the Fauve + Co email system was built. We implemented Klaviyo with multiple integrations to interact nicely with Shopify.

The strategy

We implemented a number of essential flows to setup a solid foundation. These personalised and segmented automated emails communicate strategically with Fauve + Co’s customers to guide them through every step of their buying journey.


  • 3-part Segmented Welcome Drip (Pre-Purchase Nurturing)
  • 3-part Multi Day Abandoned Cart Sequence
  • 2-part Winback / Re-Engagement Series
  • 2x Post-Purchase Nurturing Emails

From the start, these email flows alone are consistently bringing in over 20% of the monthly revenue

Important Info: Warm Up Your IP

Even the most beautiful email template can’t generate conversions if it lands in the spam folder. This is why it’s important to build a good reputation and stabilise deliverability.

1. Warm Up Your List
To avoid getting a bad sender reputation, it is important to avoid letting emails bounce or get delivered with very poor open rates. You can avoid this fate by sending a few emails to family and friends. Make sure to ask your people to open the emails and whitelist you. This “warms up” your IP address and gets you off to a good start.

2. Keep Your Friends and Family On Your List
For the same reason as above, and to keep your sender reputation positive.

3. Ask New Subscribers To Add You To Their Address Book / VIP List / Mark As Safe
When confirming your new subscribers (e.g. via a welcome email), ask them to add your “From” address to their address books. It is a foolproof way to release all future emails from the constraints of the spam filters. 

4. Send Emails Consistently
Don’t go long periods without sending emails or you risk unsubscribes. The good news is that Klaviyo allows for advanced campaign sending options, so that you can still send out a newsletter even if you are away from your computer. Alternatively, do not bombard your subscribers with tons of content all at once. Try to keep some balance between regular emails and “limited time specials” emails.

Next Up

fauve + co flow klaviyo setup

We also set up several automations that segmented the contacts into different lists based on their:

  • behavior
  • interests
  • purchase history
  • and more.

Using these custom-built automations, we found creative ways to extract additional value from Fauve + Co’s audience. By personalising the campaigns, we ensured the customers received the right message, at the right place, at the right time.

Thanks to Klaviyo’s Smart Sending feature, we were able to do so without overwhelming subscribers with too many emails.

After 6 months, Fauve + Co asked us to revise the strategy to make more improvements. 

This is when we worked on personalising copy and subject lines, and implemented more email flows:

  • Browse Abandonment.  If an existing subscriber browsed a product multiple times, but didn’t buy or initiate a checkout we’ll gently touch base with them. We use this email to demonstrate the value and features of the products they were viewing, and suggest similar or best-selling products.
  • Exit Intent Offer Popup. This popup will be shown when the visitor is about to leave your website. It will show a discount or offer as an incentive to stay and make a purchase. 
  • Sunset Cleaning Campaign. A crucial part of email marketing is keeping your list healthy and responsive. It’s hard to wave goodbye to your subscribers, but inactive contacts must go. The good news: this task can be automated while trying to reactivate and salvage as many subscribers as possible.

Hot Tip

Use A/B Split Testing to try out different subject lines.
Then, use the one that gets the highest open rate.

The Results

Over the course of 6 months, we’ve already accomplished some amazing numbers. Over the next few months we’ll revise our new flows, A/B testing and copy, and share some more amazing results.

If you’re looking for a Klaviyo pro, you’ve come to the right place! As a certified Klaviyo Master, we are well placed to supercharge your email marketing flows and campaigns.

Bonus: 26 High-Converting Email Subject Lines

“John, is this the product you’ve been waiting for?”

“Get it before it’s gone…”

“These [INSERT YOUR PRODUCT] Are Almost 100% Gone Forever”

“Choose or Lose! Free Gift Worth up to $50 with your purchase.”

“One more chance to get 15% off!”

“Looking for this?”

“You have to see what’s in this bag”

Wanna see something special?

“Good news inside”

“Need some style inspo? Check this out…”

“Thinking of [INSERT YOUR BRAND NAME]? Here’s What Others Are Saying”

“Customers Can’t Get Enough of Our [INSERT POPUPLAR PRODUCT]”

“300 minutes of free shipping – starts now!

“We don’t want to stress you out, but…”

“You almost missed out…”

“RE: your order”

“It’s about time we treated YOU. Open for more…”

“Code inside! You made the cut for 20% OFF EVERYTHING >>”

“Early Access: GRANTED”

“This is too sweet to pass up 🍭

“We don’t want you to miss this offer (it’s just too good).”

“The more you buy, the more you save — but not for long!”

“Don’t settle for one when you can have BOTH.”

“You’re gonna want to see this Sale”


“It’s Splurge Day! Treat yo’self with an extra 10% off!”

What The Client Has To Say

“We engaged Siri to assist us in setting up the Klaviyo email work flows. From the very beginning, it was an extremely efficient and easy process, with Siri getting a great understanding of our business and the tone to communicate to our customers. In addition to what was agreed upon in the initial proposal, Siri also showed initiative in updating existing templates and offering a great amount of information and knowledge on best practices and so on.

We are so happy with the set up that has been completed and are already seeing results in orders.

Highly recommend!!! Thank you again.”
Jessica from Fauve & Co