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Why Klaviyo Is The Most Powerful Tool For Your Ecommerce Store

Today, I’m here to inspire you on your new email marketing strategy and why you should use Klaviyo to make email marketing a seamless task. 

What is Klaviyo? 

Klaviyo is one of the many email marketing platforms out there – but one that actually works and executes the job effectively. This email marketing software is made for e-commerce shop owners to offer a tailored experience for their customers and integrates seamlessly with Shopify.

Personally, I find that Shopify & Klaviyo go hand-in-hand and it’s a no-brainer to integrate a solid Klaviyo strategy for a successful Shopify store. You can setup powerful, automated email flows to increase, retain and interact with customers. 

Through Klaviyo, you can also create SMS campaigns that are personalised and sent to customers in bulk—having this powerful automation enables users to construct multi-channel experiences for customers. Managing everything from one platform makes tasks for your business seamless.

Get inspired by Klaviyo 

Working on Klaviyo means you have options for your marketing, making ideas flourish to massive and memorable campaigns. Klaviyo allows you to grow your customer base and reputation as a trustworthy site to purchase from. 

Klaviyo stands out from its competitors because of its effortless personalisation functionality that goes way beyond recognising a customer’s first name. 

Why not sign up today and check it out for yourself, and then email me with what you think! 

Why should you use Klaviyo?

In my experience with email marketing, it’s good to utilise software that offers a variety of options that can be tailored to suit your needs. Klaviyo is all about helping e-commerce businesses grow their customer loyalty and customer engagement. 

Klaviyo pricing

I promise you’ll get hooked on this software. The pricing model is not only affordable, but it’s fair to what you need it for. Your Klaviyo monthly fee will grow with your list and ensures you’re only paying for what you really use. If you have up to 249 subscribers you can enjoy the free version to start, then give the premium plan a go. I promise you, it’ll pay itself back within no time, as email serves the highest ROI in the marketing world.

Interested in learning how much ROI you can make? Read our case study on how we’ve generated 10,000% return for one of our Klaviyo clients.

How to engage with your customers

It’s all about your strategy. 

My favourite flows are the ones that engage with customers and have proven to work – if done correctly of course.

Check out the next four flows and start your research or maybe even implement them yourself. You can thank me later! 

  1. Abandoned cart series
  2. Welcome Series
  3. Post-purchase nurturing and replenishment flows
  4. Marketing through SMS 

Abandoned cart series 

I can’t stress this enough, and I always tell my clients to create an abandoned cart email flow for e-commerce sites. With Klaviyo, you don’t need to keep track because the software does it for you. 

The abandoned cart series once a customer chooses to leave their shopping cart without making the purchase.

Remember: With Klaviyo, make sure you incorporate entertaining and insightful branding content tailored to your customer. 

A few more tips:

  1. Turn off the standard Shopify Abandoned Cart email and setup a proper Klaviyo flow. Ideally, you’ll want to follow up with clients at least 2-3 times and give them an enticing offer to complete their purchase.
  2. Sprinkle some FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) and Urgency to your abandoned cart emails.
  3. Setup a coupon in Klaviyo so each recipient will receive their own unique code that will expire after a certain number of days (to create that urgency again!)
  4. Make sure you’ll highlight that you or your team is available to help or assist. Some people abandon their cart for a reason: they might have questions about your products or need some help choosing the right product.
  5. Use split tests and clone emails with different offers and subject lines to see which emails perform best and implement the winner for the best results.

Welcome series

First impression lasts forever. The same goes for the beginning stages of the relationship between your customers and brand. 

The best way to plant the seed of a good customer relationship is through a welcome series campaign that introduces your store to the customer. 

When setting up the welcome series, remember these tips:

  1. This is a perfect opportunity to warm up your IP and get high open rates.
  2. People don’t just give away their email addresses anymore – you’ll need to offer them something in return such as a 10% discount off their first purchase.
  3. Use a number of emails (approx. 3) to introduce your brand and products in an informal way. Don’t forget to mention testimonials and link back to your website and socials!

Post-purchase nurturing and replenishment flows

There’s no better feeling as an e-commerce business owner than when sales are coming through. After a customer has purchased through your online store, Klaviyo can automatically action unique post-purchase emails at a set time after purchase to win back customers that are not returning customers. 

Keep in mind that:

  • A post-purchase nurturing flow helps to touch base with the customers on a more personal level by sending out a thank you email and asking them to leave feedback.
  • Klaviyo’s data makes it easy to filter non-returning customers which we can try to get back for a second purchase. It’s easier to keep a customer, than to acquire a new one, so make sure to turn this important flow on and re-introduce your brand after a certain amount of days/months to keep that relationship going. You can follow up with a second email introducing some new products, tips or trends to give the reader ideas for their next purchase with you.
  • Both flows are also a great opportunity to reward customers to come back by giving them an exclusive discount for a return purchase.

Marketing through SMS 

Ahh, SMS may seem like an ancient tool compared to all the ways to communicate these days. HOWEVER, SMS marketing is still one of the most powerful marketing methods because psychologically, people partner text messages with being personal. 

Consider this as an insider tip into doing it yourself. But, if you don’t have the time to fiddle with the marketing division of your e-commerce business (GOOD ON YOU), I’m here to help! 

If you opened an e-commerce store as a side hustle and it has expanded beyond a one-person show, that’s excellent, but you need to make sure that you’re across the marketing for your store.  

Siri, the Agency, thrives on executing email marketing strategies that actually work! 

Till next time! 


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I’m a digital marketing expert, web whizz and tech lover. My passion is to help small biz owners and entrepreneurs break through the noise and find their online voice.

Born & bred Dutchie now living in the outer skirts of Melbourne, juggling life as a mum, wife and running a successful business from home. I am happiest when ideas are brewing in my brain and I’ll gladly share my secrets with you. Thanks for being here!




Email Marketing




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