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19 Ways to Increase Your Shopify Conversion

So you’ve chosen your theme, and all the apps to use for your Shopify store, but now what?

Well, let’s get some sales rolling in – duh!

The next step for your online success is in knowing how to increase your Shopify conversion rates. After all, what is a beautiful online store if it’s not generating revenue?

“So, how do I increase Shopify conversions?”

Look no further! I’ve compiled a list of 19 foolproof ways to help boost your Shopify conversion rates and turn your visitors into loyal customers. 

Whether you’re a Shopify guru looking to take your business to the next level, or a newbie just starting out on your ecommerce journey, these tips & tricks will help you drive sales and smash your business goals.

#1. Optimise your homepage and UX

7 seconds is all it takes for your website visitor to make a judgment on whether to stay or leave. Your homepage is the pioneer of this experience, so make it count!

Firstly, switch up your hero banner to an image (or video) that will mesmerise your potential buyers. You’ll need to pair this up with a strong headline and a crystal clear call-to-action that will let people know exactly who you are and what you sell.

Your shoppers want to know exactly how you solve their “problem” within a split second!

Extra tips:

  • Add more images of people
  • Add clear call-to-actions throughout the page
  • Sprinkle in some social proof
  • Display shipping info clearly

#2. Add trust badges

Trust badges are your secret weapon for building trust in your eCommerce store. These badges are icons, logos, or images that are usually found on checkout pages or website footers to show your customers that their purchase is secure.

#3 Add third-party checkout buttons

Third-party checkout buttons (otherwise known as dynamic checkout buttons) are a faster way for you to add additional payment options next to your add to cart button. You can include branded checkout buttons to speed up your customer’s checkout process, by using third-party checkout methods, such as Apple Pay, Google Pay, PayPal & more!

#4 Add a fast checkout button

Want to give your customers the ultimate shopping experience? Add a fast checkout button to create an effortless checkout process, increasing the likelihood of completing the purchase.

#5 Add a testimonial section

Drive your sales and show some credibility by loading up your Shopify store with raving customer reviews and testimonials! Whether you pop it on your homepage or with your products, having testimonials will display social proof that your product is the bomb (dot) com.

#6 Create product recommendations and upsells

Using apps such as ReConvert (one of my top 10 Shopify apps!) can help you seamlessly incorporate upsells into your Shopify store. You can also implement Shopify’s built-in recommendation feature to display automatic recommendations based on your customer’s behaviour.

#7 Add the push notifications app

By using web push notifications, you have the perfect marketing channel to engage your soon-to-be buyers. A great app to use is PushOwl (another one of my top 10!) or you can also explore an abundance of additional options here.

#8 Sign up for Klaviyo

As a Klaviyo expert, I can’t praise this email marketing tool enough when it comes to increasing sales and Shopify conversions! I recommend adding a (delayed) pop-up with a first-time offer and then setting up a Welcome Email or sequence designed to convert your visitor into a buyer.

#9 Add an exit intent offer (via Klaviyo or an app)

You don’t want your customers to leave empty-handed! An exit intent offer can be added to your website through Klaviyo or an app, so when someone’s about to leave your site, BAM! A pop-up with an offer appears, tempting them to stay and complete their purchase.

#10 Setup a powerful Abandoned Cart Sequence in Klaviyo

One email often isn’t enough to convert people, on average it takes eight touchpoints for a consumer to (finally) decide to buy! 

Make sure you add in a sweet deal and use A/B testing to figure out what produces the best results. Play around with your send-out times (e.g. 1h after, 24h after, etc), discounts, and subject lines. You’ll also want to clone that flow and set up an email or flow with a trigger for “Added to Cart” not just “Checkout Started” because you may be missing those soon-to-be-buyers who haven’t even reached checkout yet!

Pssst. I also have plenty of info about email marketing that you can check out here!

#11 Enable guest checkout

Don’t make your customers jump through hoops like a circus tiger – add a guest checkout to your Shopify store and make it easy for them to make a purchase without creating an account.

#12 Enable third-party payment methods

Simple checkouts are key and by enabling third-party payment methods on your Shopify store, you can let your customer choose which option works best for them.

#13 Customise text for your buttons and checkout

You want to have a silky smooth click-through process to make checking out a breeze! Make it easier for your customers by telling them exactly what to do and exactly where to click.

Find out more info on how to do this with our IG Post!

#14 Add a ReConvert sales funnel

As mentioned before, ReConvert is an app you can use to create upsells, but another reason why it’s my fav is that you can double-down and create sales funnels with just the click of a few buttons!

#15 Add the Persistent Cart app to allow customers to shop from multiple devices

Adding the Persistent Cart app to your Shopify store means your customers can shop ’til they drop (their phone, tablet, or laptop) without ever losing their precious items. 

Seamless shopping experience + more Shopify conversions = happy customer + happy Shopify store owner.

#16 Add the Free Shipping Bar app 

This app automatically calculates how much extra your customers have to spend to receive free shipping. You should ALWAYS offer free shipping based on your Average Order Value (AOV) – because did you know? 73% of customers are more likely to buy when you offer free shipping methods!

So if your AOV is around $30, consider making free shipping available for all purchases over $50, or AOV $70 = free shipping over $100, etc. This allows you to upsell and sell more products through simple psychology!

#17 Add a wishlist app

Adding a wishlist app to your Shopify store helps customers keep track of their desired items and increases the chances of you gaining more repeat customers. You can find plenty of wishlist apps via the Shopify app store.

#18 Add a referral program

Did you know that word-of-mouth marketing is estimated to account for 13% of consumer sales, generating $6 TRILLION dollars in revenue!

That’s exactly what Referral Candy was made to do, by giving you a platform to create and automate customer referral programs for your Shopify store.

If you want to keep your customers coming back for more and get them to bring their friends along for the ride, you need a referral program. 

#19 Optimise your website for speed

Us Aussies aren’t really blessed with the luxury of fast internet, so if you have a slow website, you know it can be SLOW SLOW down here. And honestly, slow websites suck, for both Google and user experience.

You can test your speed on GTMetrix – but back sure you change the analysis option to use the server in Sydney instead.

Now that you know how to increase your conversions, find out how you can get organic traffic with our SEO Copywriting Strategy: Your Search Engine Secret Formula.

Need more free Shopify guidance? Access our resource vault with over 180 pages of valuable tips here!

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I’m a digital marketing expert, web whizz and tech lover. My passion is to help small biz owners and entrepreneurs break through the noise and find their online voice.

Born & bred Dutchie now living in the outer skirts of Melbourne, juggling life as a mum, wife and running a successful business from home. I am happiest when ideas are brewing in my brain and I’ll gladly share my secrets with you. Thanks for being here!




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